DDA Medical's 3D animators can create any number of medical scenarios: scenarios that depict a type of wound, symptom, complication, disease or other medical concern or anatomical element with vivid visuals through a detailed virtual world. The scenarios can be brought to life and put in motion for remote learners to view and interact with on an iPhoneŽ, iPadŽ, AndroidT or WindowsT app.
An expertly designed 3D model could even be used for first aid treatment purposes if a medical facility is not nearby. The proper way to dress particular kinds of wounds, treat certain kinds of injuries, or treat several kinds of accidents could become clear for even the least experienced of people when it comes to dealing with emergencies. Even simple things that may not be known, such as the proper use of an epipen, or different ways to apply compressions for CPR depending on the victim's weight, can be addressed by a smooth and life-like 3D model brought to life with realistic animation. Modern devices like talking epipens do help to take clear instruction for emergency situations to a new level, but such devices only deliver these instructions verbally, while 3D models deliver clear visuals for an even more comprehensive understanding. A medical mobile app could deliver the confidence to save a life in an emergency.