Personal healthcare is not just about the latest procedures, treatments or pharmaceuticals; it's also about day-to-day lifestyle choices. Healthcare technologies should reflect that. An app for the iPhoneŽ, iPadŽ, AndroidT or WindowsT devices that lets patients monitor their nutrition, calorie intake, weight, exercise routine, or other health-related habits is a great way to help keep patient and other healthcare consumers on track with their life-style choices.
Because peer support is a strong aspect of successful regimes for health, fitness and nutrition, DDA can easily equip any personal fitness and nutrition app with social networking capabilities. Keeping a journal about exercise and other recreational activity, getting tips from fellow people making health-conscious decisions, blogging about new recipes and getting cooking tips from others, any of these and beyond can be available on a mobile app to provide the ultimate encouragement on the journey of personal fitness and nutrition. A user-friendly networking system could even provide quick access to certified personal trainers and nutritional advisors, helping to augment personal journeys of health and nutrition with professional knowledge at any time.
DDA Medical's team can also create apps with Interactive Immersive Environments (IIE) and other layered, multimedia computer renderings to create engaging experiences that help keep patients and consumers well-informed about their health. A well-designed Interactive Immersive Environment with a personal avatar could provide a true-to-life demonstration of the effects of different exercise regimens and diet plans prior to even starting them, allowing for complete understanding of long-term plans and goals before getting on the road toward them. These apps can also keep consumers excited and motivated to continue their progress.